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The list pricing displayed for products on may or may not represent the full retail price listed on the site, suggested by the manufacturer or supplier, or estimated in accordance with standard industry practice; or the estimated retail value for a comparably featured item offered elsewhere. The list price may or may not represent the prevailing price in every area on any particular day. Where an item is offered for sale by one of our Merchants, the list price may be decided by and the Merchants at their discretion.

With respect to voucher product sold through site, we cannot confirm the price of the product  until you have ordered; however, we do NOT charge your credit card or other payment methods until after your order has been confirmed.

Please note that this policy applies only for products sold through site. With regard to your purchases from third-party sellers using the Site the third party sellers may follow different policies in the event of an incorrectly priced item. Unless otherwise specified all prices shall be listed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR)

